Tag: Automation

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business woman in front of laptop evoking HR leaders Leverage Automation
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HR Hangout Mobile Workforce

How HR Leaders Enhance Efficiency Leveraging Automation and Collaboration

Jessica Chronchio on June 29, 2023

As an HR leader, it’s crucial to have the most efficient processes in place across your organization. But this can be challenging to scale as your organization grows. Human Resources…

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How Advancements Have Changed Phone Technology
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Number, Please: How Everything on the Phone Has Changed

Motus on September 13, 2016

The landline telephone was the first speed-of-light communications technology that anybody could use. The telegraph was invented earlier, but it wasn’t practical to put in every home and office—plus, you needed to learn Morse Code to talk to anybody.

Once you could talk to anyone, mobile, in any language you pleased, everything about business changed. Entire industries sprang up around the phone—not just to take care of the wiring, but to help facilitate the connections and opportunities that all that unfettered communication brought with it.

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