Sometimes, an employee in your company needs to relocate. Maybe they’re moving with their family to a different location. Maybe they’re being promoted and with that promotion comes a new office location. Regardless of the circumstances, a Relocation Management Company (RMC) can help. While Motus is also available to help, it is not an RMC. But that’s getting ahead of ourselves. First things first.
What is an RMC?
With so many other critical responsibilities on their plates, it is difficult for HR experts to know everything about moving employees. Sure, they know who is moving where. But do they know the difference in cost of living? Whether a household good’s shipping quote is best? What an adequate relocation package looks like? Probably not.
Relocation Management Companies provide business process outsourcing services to organizations. They have expertise in relocation logistics. With that expertise they can provide direct personal service to relocating employees, guiding them through every aspect of the moving process. RMC’s help companies manage their relocation policies and spending. With that information, organizations can deploy their talent when and where it is needed without having to invest extensive internal resources on relocation processes.
Who needs an RMC?
Organizations of all different sizes and industries move employees. Are you offering a job to a top talent individual located in a different city? Then you might want to work with a Relocation Management Company to offer your newest recruit a package they can’t refuse.
Are your employees trying to figure out the whole moving process, from selling the house to moving their stuff and buying a new home in an unfamiliar place? RMC’s can manage that hassle.
There are more pieces to it than that, but RMC’s handle the logistics so your HR department doesn’t have to.
Is Motus an RMC?
Motus is not an RMC. But we do work closely with them. We previously mentioned the various ways an RMC can help out your company. We provide RMC’s and their clients with the information that is the backbone of good decision making.
For example, say your company wants to move an employee from Atlanta to Denver. An RMC might share data with you from a report we provide on the cost-of-living differences between the two cities.
We also provide RMC’s and their clients with data that can be used to pay employees an allowance to cover home finding, temporary living, final move-related expenses and household goods shipping costs, all as one lump sum. Information from Motus can also be used by you or your RMC to gain a realistic view of what a particular move will cost for budgeting and planning purposes.
Can I work directly with Motus?
Yes, we can work directly with you and/or serve you via your RMC.
When might it make sense to work directly with Motus?
Some clients prefer to work directly with Motus when it comes to understanding cost-of-living differences and how to most effectively address them because these discussions center around compensation policies and business objectives that go beyond relocation logistics.
Then what is Motus?
Among other things, Motus is a data provider. We offer our cutting-edge platform to deliver the information you and RMC’s need to plan and execute employee moves. Interested in our offering? Contact us and we’ll take you through a demo!