The COVID-19 pandemic caused the world to reimagine the way we all think about work, forever. We’re seeing companies working forward in different ways. Some chose a full-time shift to remote work, allowing employees to work mobile. Others adopted hybrid models. Some are slowly beginning to bring their employees back into the office. And now, with the rising spread of the Delta variant, the way we work skews even further towards a remote future.
At Motus, we believe in working mobile – in fact, it’s one of our cultural pillars (along with working happy, smart and healthy). But what about our Arrivers (i.e., those that use our solutions on a day-to-day basis)? Are they still driving as much as they were pre-pandemic? Have their companies opted for hybrid workplaces? How have they all begun to work forward? To gather insights into these questions, we recently surveyed a New-England based subset of our Arriver base. Here’s what we learned.
How Are Arrivers’ Companies Working Forward
To first understand how our customers have approached the future, we asked our Arrivers: “Post-pandemic, how has your company decided to work forward?” Here’s what we learned:
- 33% said their company is working towards an eventual return to the office
- 28% said their company will be adopting a hybrid model
- 13% said their company plans to stay fully remote
- 25% indicated “other”
Ultimately, our customer base is split on how they will work forward. It’s not much of a surprise that a good portion will either try to return to the office eventually or test out some sort of hybrid model as we navigate what the future looks like.
How Arrivers Are Working Forward
Next, we wanted to gauge our Arrivers’ personal work forward situation. Are they still driving as much as they were pre-pandemic? Is their time split between their home office and the road? We asked: “What does your work forward situation look like?” Here’s what we learned:
- 54% said they still get most of their work done on the road
- 27% say their role has changed and get some work done on the road and some remote
- 10% said their role has changed drastically and work remote more frequently and drive less than before
- 5% said they drive more than they did pre-pandemic
- 4% indicated “other”
It’s clear that the pandemic caused a shift in the way our Arrivers work. While It’s not surprising that a little more than half still get the bulk of their work done on the road, more than a third of respondents either have more hybrid work responsibilities or spend more time working remote as they work forward – which is interesting to see.
How Arrivers Feel About Their Work Forward Situation
We also wanted to learn how our Arrivers feel about their work forward situation. To get a general sense of that, we asked: “If your role has changed and you currently work remote, which of the statements best describes your experience?” Here’s what we learned:
- 43% said they are still on the road all day
- 20% said it’s OK and not much has changed
- 14% said it’s been great, and their work life has benefited tremendously
- 9% said they have become a more productive manager
- 8% said it’s been a challenge and they miss their old routine
- 6% indicated “other”
While almost half of respondents are still on the road all day for their job, almost a quarter of respondents said that their work life has benefited tremendously, or they have become a more productive manager because of working remote. That’s great to hear!
How Arrivers Ranked Remote Work Benefits
For those Arrivers that are working remote more frequently, we wanted to learn how they ranked certain benefits of this new lifestyle. On average, here’s how our Arrivers ranked these benefits:
1. Better work-life balance
2. More control over work hours
3. Increased family time
4. Better focus and efficiency
5. More choice of where I can work
6. Improved physical fitness
7. Lower stress
8. Better collaboration
Being able to work remote allows for a better work-life balance, more control of one’s schedule and hours and more time with family – so it’s not surprising these were the top three benefits for our Arrivers.
Putting it All Together
After surveying our New-England based Arriver base, it’s clear that our Arrivers are still reacting to what companies working forward looks like. Some are struggling to adapt to a new way of working. Others have thrived by improving their work life – whether that’s having a better work-life balance, spending more time with family, or becoming a better manager. At Motus, we believe in the ability to work mobile, work smart, work healthy and work happy – so it’s nice to see the same for our Arrivers post-pandemic. We hope to see more companies working forward in similar fashion.
We look forward to learning more about our Arrivers on a national level in future surveys as well as our administrator/manager base. Stay tuned to our social media channels in the coming weeks as we’ll be sharing quotes from our Arrivers on how they have worked forward!